Online Pass - Burning Horizon Lecture
Codenamed Operation TELIC, the British component of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the largest gathering of British troops since the Second World War. While much has been said about the controversial background to the Operation, not enough has been heard from those men and women that took part in Operation TELIC. Polarised public opinion and the post-war media portrayal of the war has detracted from what was achieved by these forces, when tasked to do so, often with insufficient or inadequate resources.
Simply select a session - this is a requirement of our online ticketing system, but it doesn't matter which session you select because you will be able to watch the lecture at any time from 7pm on Tuesday 13th June. You will be sent a link to the page where you'll be able to view the lecture.
Ticket options
Codenamed Operation TELIC, the British component of the invasion of Iraq in 2003 was the largest gathering of British troops since the Second World War. While much has been said about the controversial background to the Operation, not enough has been heard from those men and women that took part in Operation TELIC. Polarised public opinion and the post-war media portrayal of the war has detracted from what was achieved by these forces, when tasked to do so, often with insufficient or inadequate resources.
Simply select a session - this is a requirement of our online ticketing system, but it doesn't matter which session you select because you will be able to watch the lecture at any time from 7pm on Tuesday 13th June. You will be sent a link to the page where you'll be able to view the lecture.